robin's story

My name is Robin Lee Field and I was born into a family with wonderful music roots in Southern New Hampshire and blessed with a mother whose beautiful voice still gives me chills to this day. My mom and dad had a Country & Western band when I was young called the "Westernaires". 

It wouldn't be long before I picked up a ukelele then a guitar and wrote my very first song. I was nine years old and felt a burning need to express my innermost feelings in the shape of words and melody. My home life was full of turmoil in those days and gone were the sweet memories of the "Westernaires". My parents had a very painful marriage with all the images one can imagine... no need to say more... and I found I could take my silent feelings of fear, anger, pain and loss and have them come to life and comfort me in the essence of a song. 

I continued to write songs through my teenage years and when I was older I began to play at coffeehouses in New Hampshire and later Massachusetts. My songs were my personal expressions and my heart at it's deepest level. Words I couldn't come to say and feelings I couldn't share with others would all be said in my songs and there was a sadness in each one that spoke to the sadness in my life and family. In those early years my music style was growing into a blend of country and blues, contemporary and folk with influences from the 70's like Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Bonnie Raitt, Dylan, Neil Young, James Taylor and Cat Stevens. I also had a great attraction to Elvis and the Memphis sound but I was always the biggest fan of my Mom and still am today. 

My Mom Joanne sang and played professionally, 6 days a week at the Wagon Wheel in Ayer Massachusetts, a New England mecca for Country back then, where big famous names performed and some even met my Mom. It is sad to me in some ways that my Mom never wanted to "make it" in the music industry because her voice is such a gift and the world should hear her. Barbara Mandrell once came to the Wagon Wheel in the 80's and after hearing my mother sing she asked her if she would consider going on tour with her but the answer was a firm NO. If you knew Joanne Jones you would indeed know why. She was never one to compromise herself with an industry of any kind but most definately was and is a Star in the purest sense to me. It is so very important to acknowledge my mom in my biography because the gift of music I have been given came from the woman who gave birth to me. Any person I can touch with the songs I have written is a testimony to how I have been touched by my mom and her music. 

Throughout the years I continued writing and creating never losing my heart connection and playing out from time to time, here and there. While my professional life took me in other directions, my music was allowed to develop at it's own pace and time always a precious gem to me. You can hear the country background in alot of my songs, but also the blues, rock and roll, and forever traces of the acoustic folk I loved and grew up with. My song collection is really the journal of my life, from heartfelt ballads to up tempo country and blues twang and honky tonk rock, the music flows from an inner place that feels magical to me... like a rain storm that begins to pour with rays of the sun shining through and every once in a while...a beautiful rainbow... 

It is time for me after all these years to finally share my songs with you. The most precious gift I could ever wish for would be to have a song of mine move your soul the way it moved mine when I wrote it. 

Thanks so much for stopping by and listening... Warmly, Robin